Who's in for Global Entry?? Me!! Me!!
I'd never really given Global Entry much thought. It was something I'd read occasionally on a travel blog. Or something in an article somewhere. But it wasn't ever a plan in my brain. I mean, sure, my foreign travel has increased more than I'd expected over the last two or three years (or so). But Global Entry was for people who traveled waaaaaay more than I did. Right?? What is Global Entry, you might ask?? Well...it's basically a Fast Pass (to coin a Disney term...as I tend to do) through Customs and Immigration. Instead of standing behind a lady paying more attention to her cell phone in the Customs line - something YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED TO USE IN LINE, you skip the line with the non-Global Entry chumps and use a kiosk to enter your basic Customs info. It's supposed to be a speedy process. And if you have a tight connection, a speedy process pays for itself. (Here's where I should be linking to my post for flying back...