Global Entry: The Sequel - How it Really Works
A few months ago, I wrote about the process for getting Global Entry. At the time, everything I knew about how it worked was all in the abstract. I wasn't going to use it until Elias and I came back from Europe in the summer. Then, I had an unexpected trip to Argentina . So's what I actually know about Global Entry. And your mileage may vary depending on the airport and time of day and such, so feel free to take this all with a grain of salt... Leaving on a jet plane - TSA Pre Check Get ready to keep your shoes and belt on. Scarves and light jackets can stay on as well. The bag of three ounce liquids you carefully packed...these can stay inside your bag, along with your laptop. Both times I went through security, the line to get through the pre check was longer than the American Airline's "status" lines (a big deal as I'm one to gain and lose status year by year - and that I was traveling with someone who currently had Gol...