It's All About Timing

Timing has never been my strong suit. I tend to start a job near a holiday or vacation. I will always be the last one to join a club/event/website (see Facebook, Twitter, Blogging). Vacations tend to be taken right as the workflow heats up. And I finally go to New York the weekend after Osama Bin Laden is killed.


The New York Weekend was a last minute add to the 2011 Vacation Plan. I don't have the vacation days to spare (as 6 days are currently on hold for The Trip That Shall Not Be Named) and I'm getting close to the South America trip. There was no time for New York. But I was worn down into thinking this was a good idea. I wanted to get together with Liz. And I'd never been to New York. I have a free place to stay and it is my birthday weekend. Plus, I was able to weasel a "Work from New York" day out of the gig, so I'm not using a vacation day. How could I not go to New York??

There are a few issues I didn't count on. The Cable/Network Upfronts. We have up to three hours worth of meetings on some work days. There are less than three weeks before I leave for South America. And last week, I got a summons for Jury Duty.


But if I don't focus on the bad timing, I can't wait for the trip. It has turned into a food tour (Foodageddon NYC!!). When Jodi says, "You didn't really want to see anything while you were here, right??" Oh, we're gonna gorge. Fantastic.

Luckily, packing these days is not difficult. The night before, grab the Ziploc baggie of travel sized toiletries that is in the bathroom always ready to go at a moment's notice (you never know!!). Throw in the jammies, a pair of jeans a few tops, some underthings and socks. The morning you fly, find the makeup bag, the flat-iron and the cords for the electronics. Done. And this is just a weekend in New York. I'm not packing for a trip to South America or anything, where I can't easily find things I might have forgotten. Or, I'm not packing yet for the next trip. Oh man...what am I going to pack for South America...



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