The South American Adventure - Day 2!!

Day 2 - Getting Our Bearings

Today was meant to be a low key day.  It was the day where we were going to get an idea of what Lima was about, or at least the neighborhood where we were staying.  And that was a very good idea.  

We were so wiped from the arrival last night that the idea of doing something massive today was not appealing to either of us.  So the day started late and began with not only a lovely breakfast, but with a tour of the hotel.

TripAdvisor was our main form of research for the hotels.  The site has worked well for us in the past, so why break with tradition.  We also had a recommendation from someone about this hotel.  We ended up in the Barranco District in Lima at the 3B's.  The hotel couldn't be more lovely.  The rooms were small, but crisp and clean.  The WiFi works like a charm.  And the breakfast in the morning was amazing.  Sure, that could have been because we were very hungry from the trip the night before, but man...fresh squeezed orange juice, scrambled eggs and toast completely hit the spot.

The plan for today was to wander Barranco.  We started out on the coast, taking pictures of the water.  Then, we walked to the main plaza of Barranco, where the nice folks at the Biblioteca gave us maps and ideas of places to visit and eat.  After another beach stop, it was time for food.

We ended up at El Mulle, a cevicheria. from the start we knew it would be good.  First reason, there was a stuffed monkey on the ceiling.  Monkey!!  The place was pretty full for the time (post lunch rush) and we decided on two combination plates.  One with ceviche and rice.  One with ceviche and calimari.  

We moaned and groaned the whole meal.  It was all in joy.  "Can you believe this calimari??". "I can't get enough rice!!". "I don't know what this is, but I love it!!" (we think it was yucca??  some kind of sweet potato).  It was a great pit stop for lunch and a perfect start to the gastronomic festival that Lima claims to be.

Post lunch, we wandered a little longer in Barranco and then leisurely made our way back to the hotel.  The game plan was to rest a bit, then hit the road for tapas tonight.  We have to make it an early night, cause we have a 330a pick up for the airport in the morning.  Oh, yeah.  Lima is just the starting off point.  Tomorrow is our flight to Cusco.  It's just so early.  So early...

Initial Thoughts About Lima - 

It smells like fish everywhere.  Cause we're right near the ocean.  Of course it does.

Beware of Troubadours.  They will sing, but will then follow you around asking for money when you take their picture.  Luckily, I'm not playing dumb when I say I don't understand what they're saying.

Mini celebrations sprout up at any time, then disappear just as quick.

Beaches are great, no matter where they are.

Foreign grocery stores are always fun to experience.  Especially when you're in the bread and the dessert section.  We will be going back to the Metro..

We did end up at a great little place this evening.  LA 73 was around the corner from the hotel.  It was a great place full of wine and small plates.  We ended up with a meat filled pastry and a spinach pie with a hard boiled egg.  They were both good.  We did have our first Pisco Sour.  It tasted like a margarita, but without my horrible friend, tequila.  As long as tequila and I don't cross paths, I'm good with a margarita-like drink.  So bring on the Pisco Sours!!  Our last nibbly was churros with dulche de leche.  Yes.  Just yes!!

That's it for now.  It was a day of tons of walking.  And I think we're both exhausted.  At least I am.  It's just going to be so early tomorrow.  Ahhh...vacation...


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