The South American Adventure - Day 11!!

Day 11 - I Win!!

Early Morning.  Very Early Morning - 

The iPhone says 1243a.  The iPad probably says 143a (I haven't pulled it out yet).  There are a few free WiFi connections, but none want to connect.  And so begins the overnight stay in Santiago.

We can't check in to our flight until 4a.  I'm still battling a low-grade migraine, so that's good fun.  The airport is surprisingly overnight friendly.  There are food places.  Plenty of seats.  Even shopping, if we wanted to.  For the most part, we'd like to sleep.  But it's not terribly conducive at this point.  Adele just picked up a $7 bottle of water.  I don't even know how many Pesos that is.  If we thought we had a problem with a 1 for 3 conversion in Lima, we are so screwed with a 1 for 452 (or 500 as I'm calling it) conversion in Chile.

To make matters worse, I didn't shower yesterday (yep...the TMI keeps on coming).  Which means my hair is an incredibly greasy mess.  So that brings on my general uneasiness at this point in time.  Here's the hint...if you see me wearing a hat in pictures, know it's because I didn't shower and my hair is atrocious.  We won't be to the Island until about 12n (Mountain Time...though I'm sure it's called something different there).  I've already alerted Adele that the first thing I'm doing is taking a shower.  If there's a problem, too bad.  I feel better when my hair has been washed.

I don't know if sleep is possible.  Adele just blew up her pillow and is attempting it. idea.  I was ready to collapse on the flight.  Now, not so much.  There are 2 hours before we can check in.  Maybe it's time to read a book??  Adele did say there's a Dunkin Donuts on the other side of the terminal.  A trip might be in order in a bit.  Or maybe if I just try to close my eyes for a minute or two...

The End of the Night...Kind of... - 

I never really did fall asleep.  Or I didn't fall asleep hard.  I know I had the open mouth slumber as the plane was taking off.  Then again in episode 4 of The Good Wife (LAN had the entire first season on the personal TV!!  I was just telling Adele that I knew I should watch this show, but hadn't started from the beginning.  Now I have!!).  Right now, it's not even 8p.  I know I should be more tired.  Maybe it'll hit me on Sunday.  I can have many uninterrupted hours of sleep on planes back to Lima.  Who knows at this point??  I'm beginning to hit the zombie phase of the trip.  This is the point where I'm still excited to be on the trip, but I am starting to mentally wind down.  Easter Island is going to help with the zombie phase, but I think the last two days in Lima will be hard.  I'll be ready to go home.  Luckily, we have something special planned on the last night, so I'll have something to look forward to.  That however, is a story for Day 15.

Easter Island.  Easter Freaking Island.  Isla de Pascua.  I don't know what it was about this place.  It is insanely remote.  It is way off the beaten path.  But it is completely fascinating.  Plus, I don't know anyone else who has ever been here. That in itself is cool.

When the plane touched down, the cabin burst into spontaneous applause.  It wasn't cause the pilots did anything special.  It was because everyone was so excited to be here. That's the sign of a special place.

Our hotel greeted us (and many others) with flowered leis and a van ride to the hotel, where we were served fresh guava juice (note to self, find guava juice at home).  Our rooms are cute with an amazingly comfy bed (think of the direct opposite of the last bed, which was hard as a rock).  We didn't stay long as there were Moai to meet.

After a quick bite to eat, we did stop and rent a jeep for the day/24 hours.  This is good as we have some things we want to get to and while walking is doable, it's not ideal.

Our first Moai stop...amazing.  We drove around and stopped by the beach.  And let me just say...Adele is driving.  I cannot drive a stick shift (why I can't go on the Amazing Race).  But I digress...there was the Moai.  Sitting there, just waiting for us to visit.  With the crash of the waves from the ocean in front of is, it was an amazing sight.  And the first of many.  

We found an area with several Moai and took pictures, THEN decided to come back when the sunset was happening. Best idea ever.  The pictures are great and they'll get posted soon.  

We did find a good restaurant for dinner.  The original plan was scrapped when the restaurant we wanted was closed.  Adele put it the best when she said, "This really is a sleepy town.". Ain't no lie.  The restaurant was closed by 8p.  So we found another one.  I had a Sweet Potato Gnocchi with a meat sauce that was outstanding.  

By then, it was time for bed.  After a few minutes of stargazing (seriously, I have never seen so many stars in the sky), we were in a phenomenally cold room.  When you have to sleep in your jacket...cold.  But I don't remember much of the cold.  My head hit the pillow and I was out.  Even better, Adele said she could hear the moment I fell asleep and it was quick.  Ahhh...sweet sleep.  You were most definitely needed.


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